black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Welcome to Heritage Baptist Church

We exist to honor God and reach our community.

Join us for worship Sunday morning at 11:00AM and Sunday evening at 6:00PM in person or online at:

God has been so good to Heritage Baptist Church. Through prayer and faithfulness along with the generosity of countless donors from the area and around the country God has blessed HBC with a beautiful new building with which to continue the ministry...and by His grace we are “debt free".

Please join us for a weekend of fellowship as we dedicate this new building to the work God intends. Feel free to leave your information if you would like to receive details on the schedule of events as they become available.

  • The Triune God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit - one God in three persons.

  • A "Holy Spirit inspired" and error free Bible as God’s revelation of Himself to man

  • The King James Bible as being the perfect Word of God for the English language

  • The incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

  • The second coming of Christ

  • The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each believer

  • The separation of every person from God as a result of personal sin

  • Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ

  • The invitation to every person to come to Christ for salvation

  • Immersed baptism as an act of obedience that symbolizes the believer’s faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior

  • The local church as Christ’s means on the earth for evangelism and corporate worship

  • The autonomy of the local church

  • The responsibility of every member to practice biblical stewardship

At Heritage Baptist Church we desire to honor God and reach our community. We want our members and attenders to have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We desire to offer opportunities for believers to grow in their faith and share their faith. We desire to reach our community by being light in a dark world. We want to make a difference in our community by coming alongside of our community and sharing the life changing truth of Jesus Christ.

We want our members and attenders to grow through worship, discipleship, and serving.

At Heritage Baptist Church we Believe in

Service times and Location

Sunday Worship Services

Sunday school: 10:00 AM

Morning Service 11:00 AM

Evening Service 6:00 PM

3753 County Road 456

Skandia,Mi. 49885

Midweek Service

Kings Kids, Teen Discipleship, and adult Bible study.

Wednesday 6:30 PM

Reformers Unanimous addiction recovery

Friday 7:00 PM

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